document shredding

business shredding documents

Business shredding – 7 things companies might forget to shred

Most businesses today understand the importance of keeping data secure either digitally or on paper. GDPR guidelines through the Data Protection Act 2018 control how personal information is used by organisations, businesses or the government – so business shredding is more important than ever.

Everyone responsible for using personal data has to follow strict rules …

Five reasons to shred those documents

Home or work, shredding should ideally be a routine activity. Here are five good reasons why.

It helps protect against identity theft. Criminals find all sorts of ways to access your personal data online but don’t forget that the documents that you might throw away can also contain confidential information that could aid a …

Store it or shred it? A small business guide to document storage

As a small business, it is important to understand which documents need to be kept and which can be shredded. Data protection legislation demands both secure document storage and secure destruction of confidential information (see our previous blog on confidential waste shredding).

Data protection requirements aside, businesses also possess information that needs to be stored …