• Our online booking system can help estimate which size unit you may need. You can find it here https://bookings.yeates.co.uk/ In addition our staff are always on hand to discuss your requirements either over the phone or in person. Just ask! Remember, the size you require will depend on whether you intend to stack items and how tightly or whether you intend to leave room for movement within the unit.
  • You will need to verify your identity using photo identification as well as documentation such as a passport or driving licence. 
  • Yes, one month. There is no deposit and just a seven day notice period (once you have stayed for the first month). 
  • Yes. You can bring your own padlock or you can buy one from us as we stock full range of high security padlocks. 
  • Yes, seven days.
  • No, we do not require a deposit.
  • Under Condition 18 of our terms and conditions, we do not permit the storage of the following items:


    You must not store (or allow any other person to store) any of the following in the unit:


    • Any items containing lithium batteries, such as e-bikes, e-scooters, mobile devices etc (unless the batteries can be removed and stored elsewhere)
    • Food or perishable goods unless securely packed so they are protected from and do not attract vermin
    • Any living creatures
    • Combustible or flammable substances such as gas, paint, petrol, oil, cleaning solvents, or compressed gases
    • Firearms, explosives, weapons, or ammunition
    • Chemicals, radioactive materials, biological agents, toxic waste, asbestos, or other potentially hazardous substances
    • Any item that emits fumes or odours
    • Any illegal item or substances or goods illegally obtained such as illicit (counterfeit/smuggled) tobacco or alcohol and unlicensed or unsafe goods (such as toys, electrical goods, medicines, aerosols, cosmetics, fireworks)
    • Goods that are environmentally harmful or that risk the property of any person
    • Currency, deeds, and securities
    • Items that are unique in nature and/or where the value to you cannot be assessed on a financial basis.


    You will be liable under condition 29 for any breach of this Condition 18 as stated in the terms and conditions.


    We always cooperate with the Police and HM Customs.

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