Emergency Fire Plan – Clevedon


Visitor and Staff Emergency Evacuation Plan

  1. Upon discovering a fire, if the automatic detection system has not been activated, sound the fire alarm by striking one of the break glasses positioned around the building. The alarms are activated by pressing the centre of the break glass.
  2. Immediately leave the building by the nearest fire exit and proceed to the Fire Assembly Point, situated between the blue containers in the yard. Do not stop to collect personal belongings.
  3. Emergency routes are displayed in green running man pictograms and/or arrows indicating direction to be taken.
  4. Fire action notices are displayed throughout the building.
  5. Should your main route be blocked, alternative routes are indicted by following route signage.
  6. The Fire Marshall, who has access to the Bearbox app, should then check off the names of any visitors who appear on the Access Log at the time the alarm was raised.
  7. Await the arrival of the fire brigade, report any missing persons to the fire officer in charge and follow their instruction.
  8. Do not attempt to fight a fire using an extinguisher if it is likely to place you in danger. An extinguisher should only be used to aid your escape in an emergency or only if you have been trained to use one.
  9. Do not re-enter the building until instructed to do so by the fire officer in charge.

The fire system and sounders will be tested every Friday morning and recorded in the logbook.

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