Unpacking after moving house, do it the best way possible!

Unpacking after moving house, do it the best way possible!

Moving house is a hectic time for all and while we often do our best to be organised and ready for removals day, we often forget about life at the other end. Once the move is done, don’t be left in a daze and surrounded by furniture and boxes – try our top tips to help make unpacking after your move that little bit easier!

From where to start through to which rooms are the most important to unpack, we have you covered! Let’s get started…

First, clean the house

If you’re fortunate enough to have arranged a deep clean for your new home before moving in your belongings that’s super, but if not, this is a great place to start. Prevent the hassle of placing furniture to then find the floor needs a mop by cleaning each room before getting stuck into unboxing.

Tip: Before moving, place your cleaning supplies in a box that’s easy to reach and unpack first.

Get the essentials placed

Where’s the toilet roll? Milk for hot drinks? Washing up liquid and soap? Dig out your essentials – believe us, you’ll need them! The last thing you need is to fumble through boxes looking for these items once the unpacking has commenced!

Prioritise rooms and unpack one at a time

It’s easy to wander from room to room, unpacking aimlessly, however it’s important to prioritise which rooms should be unpacked first – and stick to that order!

Unpacking one room at a time means leaving each space knowing it’s organised and ready for living in, making it homely and easier to relax in. As tempting as it is to unpack a little bit in each room, don’t do it. You’ll be at risk of spending hours unpacking before the first room is finished. That’s frustrating to say the least!

A sample unpacking order would be the kitchen and main bathroom, children’s rooms, master bedroom, living room and then onto other rooms, such as the office, guest bedroom, dining room and conservatory.

Think about the time of day

Wait! The time of day can easily impact your unpacking schedule. While it’s easy to dive straight into arranging the kitchen (and it makes perfectly good sense to do that as you’ll be using it to make drinks and prepare food to go on with), it isn’t always the best room to start in.

For example, if it’s fast approaching the evening, your bedroom easily becomes the priority to unpack. If you have children, their bedroom then becomes a priority over yours, so they can get settled. If this is the case, prepare the beds so they’re ready to sink into before moving onto putting away clothes and other personal items.

Unpacking with pets

Moving can be stressful for animals. If you’re unpacking with pets, prevent mayhem by keeping them safe in a fenced off area, or room, out of harm’s way. Check on them regularly and ensure they have all the necessities they need e.g. food, water.

An opportunity to declutter

If you were ruthless when packing and made the decision to recycle or donate belongings you no longer need, well done! However, packing can be frantic and emotional, meaning it’s sometimes hard to let go of those long loved items, even if they’ve been in a cupboard for years. As you unpack, take the opportunity to declutter to prevent unused belongings returning to the back of your cupboard.

Finally, before we go, if you have any items that don’t have a place – consider your storage options. If you don’t have space, our storage solutions can provide a secure home for your personal items. Find out more about and our storage solutions here – as a firm with a 100 year history, Yeates is a local company you can trust whatever your removal and storage needs.